Suicide training in the Midlands
SAIF member H. Porter & Sons, West Midlands, is inviting funeral directors across the region to attend a special training course aimed at helping staff to better care for families affected by suicide.
The business, which marks its 180th anniversary this year, has teamed up with Suicide Bereavement UK to offer the one-day course titled Postvention Assisting those Bereaved By Suicide (PABBS) later this month (March). Previously unavailable in the Midlands, the course is open to local funeral directors, registration staff, healthcare workers, ministers, celebrants, and other interested parties.
Forming part of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), it offers an opportunity to help teams increase their knowledge, skills, and confidence, leaving them better prepared to care for the relatives of someone who has taken their own life.
H. Porter & Sons Director Lucy Porter said the business wanted to do its bit locally, having witnessed the devastating impact of suicide on bereaved families.
She said: “With cases of suicide sadly on the rise, it’s vital that professionals who support affected families are equipped with the best skills and knowledge. PABBS was devised by experts but is not currently available in the Midlands, which prompted us to organise this training event.”
Lucy also praised SAIF for its growing focus on suicide: “It’s brilliant to see our trade association demonstrating leadership on this issue, which causes so much pain, not only to bereaved families but to the funeral teams caring for them. Independent funeral directors working together can really make a difference.”
The course, which is non-profit making for H. Porter & Sons, will take place in The Lounge at the business’ South Road premises in Stourbridge at 8.30am and 4.30pm on 28 March. The cost per person is £380, which covers the trainer’s fee, delegate pack including PABBS workbook, Grief to Hope report and four training publications, refreshments and a buffet lunch. Payment is required in advance. Send the names of attendees and the email address of the person to whom an invoice should be sent to by email.
Tags: bereavement, CPD, H. Porter & Sons, Lucy Porter, PABBS, suicide, training, West Midlands