SAIF Education Day agenda

This year’s SAIF Education Day, on Wednesday 2 November, will centre on the topics most relevant to independent funeral directors right now. The full day event, running from 10am until 4pm, will include talks from a range of organisations which affect Independents’ work, and an even wider array of companies will be exhibiting.
09.30-10.00 Registration, tea/coffee and exhibition
10.00-10.15 Welcome & Introduction
10.15-11.15 Resomation by Sandy Sullivan
Resomation Ltd, founded and directed by Sandy, is centred around an alternative to burial and cremation which involves ‘high pressure alkaline hydrolysis’. Its key advantages include environmental benefits. Sandy, who has an honours degree in Biochemistry, has an extensive history with this type of work. He has spent time as the European President of an American firm which used alkaline hydrolysis technology in other areas, and is now dedicated to the global uptake of its use as a cremation alternative.
11.15-11.45 Refreshment break
11.45-12.45 Senior Coroner, Catherine Mason
This year’s primary guest speaker will be H M Senior Coroner for Leicester City and South Leicester, Catherine Mason LL.B BSc Hons. RGN. The coroner’s role is one which is being constantly discussed within the funeral profession at the moment, as legislation and consultations have suggested changes to the role of the coroner. Mrs Mason will be directly discussing that role.
12.45-2.00 Lunch & Exhibition
Exhibitors will be covering a whole variety of subjects which directly impact the work of funeral directors. From publishing, communicating and promoting an independent business, to specialist issues such as insurance – as well as the likes of embalmers and celebrants – there is a service exhibiting which could help with almost every stage of funeral profession work. See below for a full list of current exhibitors.
2.00-2.45 Compliance and Risk by Alison Wilson
Guiding funeral directors on best practice in a number of areas, Alison will particularly focus on the handling of cash payments for funeral plans and on data protection. The seminar will also offer guidelines to doing business with Golden Charter, explaining the reasons behind various processes and covering the quality agenda the company is embedding throughout its work.
2.45-3.30 Health & Safety within the Funeral Profession by Simon Bloxham
As made clear in Simon’s monthly SAIFInsight column (see page xx), legislation around health and safety can have an impact in almost everything an independent funeral director does, and there is always the potential for change. Simon will keep Independents up to date, covering the very latest updates to health and safety and related legislation.
3.30-3.50 Funeral Apprenticeship, Preston’s College
Simon Galley, Head of School for Health, Sciences and Early Years Training at Preston’s College, will be speaking about the launch of the new apprenticeship course. The training will be open to individuals working in the industry and will provide professional qualifications.
3.50-4.15 IFD College launch Membership Category & Awards, by Chris Parker
Students from the IFD College who have successfully completed a wide range of courses will be awarded with certificates towards the end of the day.
4.15-4.30 Conclusion, afternoon tea and cakes and departure
Tags: Alison Wilson, apprenticeship, Catherine Mason, Chris Parker, compliance, coroner, education, Education Day, health and safety, IFD, IFD College, MIFDC, Preston, Preston's College, resomation, risk, SAIF, Sandy Sullivan, Simon Bloxham, Simon Galley