Save the date: SAIF Education Day

Following on from last years’ successful Education Day, SAIF has booked the same venue of Leicester Tigers Rugby Club for the 2017 event.
The annual SAIF Education Day will take place on Wednesday 1 November 2017, with guests asked to arrive at 9.30am for a 10am start, and the event finishing at 4.30pm.
If you are a SAIF Associate Member and would like to book your space, please complete the booking form, which has been sent by post, and return it to the SAIF Business Centre. The cost is £75, then £25 for each additional attendee.
The current line-up of speakers and sessions include:
• Regulation of funeral directors: by Cheryl Paris from the Burial and Cremation Team of the Scottish Government
• Social fund payments: Speaker to be confirmed from the Department of Work and Pensions, at Westminster
• We are facing increasing conflict within families: How can we exercise best practice guidelines?: by Gavin Faber, partner, Irwin Mitchell (SAIF’s law firm)
• The latest in embalming technique and challenges: by Kevin Sinclair of GT Embalming
• Cyber fraud – making sure you’re covered: by Brian Hart of SAIFInsure
• International disaster recovery by funeral directors: Robert Rowntree of Kenyon International Emergency Services.
Plus, SAIF Associates providing class-leading services to independent funeral homes.
More information will be confirmed shortly, so please save the date and ensure you log into the members area of the SAIF website for updates.
Tags: associate, Brian Hart, club, cyber, disaster, education, Education Day, embalming, emergency, fraud, GT Embalming, guidelines, Irwin Mitchell, Kenyon, law, Leicester, member, payments, recovery, regulation, rugby, SAIF, SAIFInsure, Social Fund, Tigers, training