Poignant picture for current times

G R Peachey & Son

When Gary Peachey, of G R Peachey & Son in Bury St Edmunds, posted this photograph on his local Facebook page, he didn’t expect it to get the response it did. Perhaps it was how poignant this picture was for 2020, but it attracted several hundred likes and shares and lovely comments.

“It has been a very difficult and challenging year,” says Gary. “Particularly for the funeral industry, who have at times I believe been overlooked as key workers. This photo was taken on Friday 4 December by Bill Malone, one of our bearers, who is also a keen photographer.”

The photo depicts Gary paging out from a nursing home in Brandon, Suffolk.

“The tradition of ‘paging out’ is something that we at G R Peachey & Son have done for more than 80 years since my grandfather first started our family business in 1937 and has been carried on by my father Adrian and myself. We believe it shows the greatest of respect to the deceased and loved ones, more so now that people are unable to attend funerals and are lining the streets.

“On this particular morning, the residents and staff of the care home stood watching the cortege depart and Bill just happened to capture the moment against a beautiful wintry backdrop.”

Do you have memories or pictures to share? If so, send them to SAIF.

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