Award in memory of Matthew Gallagher

The family of Matthew Gallagher and the Independent Funeral Directors’ College have teamed up to create an award in his name.
The well-loved and highly-respected funeral director’s death at the start of the year rocked the profession. Matthew served as a college governor, assessor and verifier, and had a unique ability to encourage and find something good in every student’s work. He was also a master of inclusivity and vision. It is, therefore, appropriate that this award is presented in his memory to a student who has overcome challenges to complete IFD College certificated units.
The Matthew Gallagher Achievement Award will be awarded annually by the Independent Funeral Directors’ College.
Those challenges may be, for example, personal, domestic, educational or physical. Nominees must be currently studying an IFDC training course or have completed a course in the year March 2019 to March 2020.
Nominations can come from employers, co-workers, or be self-nominated. Inaugural award nominations can be submitted from September 1 and will close at midnight on December 31. The award will be presented at the SAIF AGM in 2021.
This award will see Matthew’s name and his enthusiasm for the profession live on. You can nominate a student via the form in the latest edition of SAIFInsight.
Tags: achievement, award, college, education, IFD, Matthew Gallagher, trainin