Legal services will support loved ones left behind

Golden Charter has outlined plans to maximise the role of legal services to bolster plan sales during the traditionally slower post-price rise period.
Director of Marketing, Karen Trickett, said: “From May to September we are widening our media reach to new and existing audiences across both funeral plans and legal services. Our first fully integrated legal services campaign this month is a new and exciting way of working: all Golden Charter sales channels communicating in a common way, meaning a stronger voice in the market and a consistent brand approach.
“There are a number of external events taking place over this time – Dying Matters, Mental Health Week and Dementia Awareness – which will emphasise the need for products such as Power of Attorney.
“Our legal services campaign is an emotively led campaign about wanting to do right by your loved ones. It’s actually less about you and more about who you’ll leave behind; what you’ll leave them. Our very real insight is that doing nothing, not facing the facts, will leave mess, cost and upset for your loved ones. It focuses on a planned approach making things better for everyone – you just need to face up to things and make a plan.
“The execution focuses on photographs – what can be more emblematic of family bonds? We share them, display them, stick them on the fridge. This has even more relevance when in truth most modern families don’t actually live together – photos are the things that keep us close. Our campaign’s images will always focus on the person who needs to take action, accompanied by a photo of those they are doing it for – sons, daughters, friends or grandchildren.”
Golden Charter’s legal services team is already visible across national press, radio and online, and Independents can get involved too.
Karen added: “Your local Golden Charter representative can arrange an appointment to bring point of sale materials to dress your office and provide materials so that you can help your families face facts and take action.”
Tags: legal services, marketing, Power of Attorney