Family walk in aid of hospice

Friends of a woman who has been told she only has three weeks to live have walked from Worcester to Droitwich to help raise money for the hospice that is helping her.
Michelle Badger, from Droitwich, was diagnosed with breast cancer two and half years ago and although she was given the all-clear after treatment, the disease has returned. The walk was organised by Mrs Badger’s daughters and friends, who all wore neon clothes and tutus to celebrate her personality.
All money raised will go towards St Richard’s Hospice, an independent charity which cares for over 2,600 patients, their families and carers each year in Worcestershire. At the moment Mrs Badger is receiving care at home but is due to move in.
A friend of Mrs Badger said both her uncle and grandmother’s partner received care at St Richard’s Hospice: “The hospice helped – it’s more like a home than hospital bed.”
Tags: charity, Droitwich, hospice, Michelle Badger, St Richard's, walk, Worcester