Zoom bereavement support group

This past year has not only been an historic rollercoaster of so many emotions, fears and indeed losses, but also one that has pushed the NHS, carers and the medical profession to its limits. But what of the 4th emergency service?
I am, of course, speaking about funeral directors and the profession as a whole.
Funeral directors are at the forefront of dealing with the thousands of losses that have been the end result of many COVID-19 victims who have therefore tried to help those bereaved families to have a meaningful funeral for their loved one, which has been far from easy, bearing in mind all the many restrictions and regulations.
Nonetheless, they have risen to the demands, going above and beyond to help their clients and families.
In the October 2020 issue of SAIFInsight, Dr Bill Webster wrote of ‘Making a Difference’ irrespective of how small or what, doing something for an individual in their time of need is rewarding and you can make a difference to that one. In his January 2021 article, Dr Bill wrote of how ‘Grief is on Hold’ and he predicted a tsunami of grief for individuals and communities.
So with the above in mind and although living in Canada, Dr Bill has kept himself very busy and has certainly put into practice his own words.
- He was commissioned to write a booklet specifically aimed at carers and all medical staff in Canada. This was called ‘Not All Heroes Wear Capes’ and was received very well, and I am pleased to say has also been printed here in the UK. (For more information on this booklet please contact me direct)
- He has updated his highly informative website www. griefjourney.com with free videos and bereavement support.
- He is currently running a Zoom bereavement support group for residents in the UK. (We are halfway through with over 20 participants, so clearly a much-needed resource.)
Since leaving SAIF administration office over three years ago, I have been privileged and honoured to work with Dr Bill on his many projects and I have to say that his work, especially this past year, has been particularly inspiring, motivating and encouraging. To quote a well-known saying, “the older you get, the wiser you get”.
Dr Bill takes his work very seriously and has helped countless numbers of people both here and across the water and is still keen to continue his work ethos – so, can you answer yes to the following?
- Has your local Bereavement Support Group been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions?
- Would you like to offer a Zoom group headed by Dr Bill Webster?
- Do you want to help your community by offering a more personal, aftercare service?
If so, please contact me in the first instance for more information about Dr Bill’s latest venture.
Please also check out our website to see how much your clients and families can gain from the free information which you can offer them with a link from your own website.
Linda D Jones, Grief Journey UK
Call 07779 108760 or 01279 899435, or email me.
Tags: aftercare, bereavement, Dr Bill Webster, Grief Journey, group, UK, Zoom