SAIF AGM: Making marketing work

On Saturday 25 March, guests’ at the SAIF AGM will hear from a range of speakers. Victoria Beswick and Richard Pearce will be presenting the SAIF business seminar with a seminar entitled Making Marketing Work.

Victoria said: “The main key points that I want to try to achieve are to make sure that the presentation adds something useful for the delegates business, getting people to focus on what they do best and how they present themselves to the public/potential clients, and that any marketing should not be a ‘one strategy fits all’ process and the importance of ‘planning’, such as using any marketing budgets wisely and thoughtfully and not ‘fighting fires.’

“Also the importance of some analysis of a campaign and realistic expectations, so that the outcome is positive against money spent.”

This promises to be an insightful and engaging business seminar as funeral directors face a fast-changing environment with increased pressure from competition, pressure on costs and evolving expectations on bespoke funeral services.

Look out for the March issue of SAIFInsight, which will include more detail on this year’s SAIF AGM.

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