Moons Funeral Service joins charity bike ride

Moons Funeral Service was proud to take part and help out with the 16th charity Hercules Run.

This year, the group visited the Hartside Café via an incredible route of stunning roads and scenery. Members travelled through the four counties of Lancashire, North Yorkshire, County Durham and Cumbria.

The start of the run was from Fleetwood’s Charity School where bacon butties and brews were available before setting off.

The route took the group over into Yorkshire to Settle, for a tea and biscuits stop at Helwith Bridge, from there they headed north to Hawes, Kirkby Stephen, Brough then Middleton in Teesdale, after which they travelled west to Alston. Then the group climbed up to our destination at Hartside Café. The café is situated on the summit ridge of the North Pennines at an altitude of nearly 2,000 feet above sea level.

The distance to here is about 125 miles of fabulously stunning scenery on bike friendly roads.

This year’s donations went to Trinity Hospice and Preesall Fleetwood’s Charity School.

The run was kindly marshaled by the guys from MAG North West and the Moons Funeral Service sincerely thanks them.

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