Joining up Independents

Bringing together businesses from across the country to discuss and share in mutual challenges is a proven concept within markets like the funeral profession, where independent businesses play a strong role.

Over the course of 2020, I initiated a pilot based on that concept. After reaching out to Independents who had expressed an interest during our business review conversations, two cohorts of 20 businesses were created for north and south.

The objective is to facilitate a confidential group discussion and learning format with other like-minded independent funeral directors. Ultimately, the goal is to help each other be as effective as possible in being an owner and/or manager in today’s rapidly evolving profession. A forum like this lets you share best practice and face common issues that arise for those operating an ambitious and profitable funeral business.

I passionately believe this kind of learning opportunity is long overdue. Its success depends entirely on individual funeral directors like yourself seeing the value in making time for both business and personal development. This format also allows for a more structured, discreet support network to evolve beyond those already available through SAIF or SAIFCharter.

The pandemic has prevented the groups from meeting face to face so far but through technology, we are now engaging more regularly. Aside from confidentially sharing best practice and experiences, we aim to introduce specialist guest speakerson selected business topics.

The requirements are a commitment and a desire to proactively develop both yourself and your business. If you feel that is right for you, please do contact me direct to learn more about this exciting opportunity.

Find out more by email.

Feedback so far…

  • “I found it reassuring to hear how other businesses have approached similar challenges”
  • “Interesting to hear how different crematoria and cemeteries have reacted during the pandemic”
  • “Enjoyed being able to share and benefit from each other’s ideas”
  • “Nice to be able to share ideas, concerns and best practice with businesses that aren’t neighbours”
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