Developments for bereavement service
It has been a busy few months for Suicide Bereavement UK. The organisation is gearing up to host its 9th international suicide bereavement conference in Manchester on the 18th November 2020 and is also delivering face to face PABBS suicide bereavement workshops (for individuals or in-house).
To coincide with this activity, it has also just revamped its website to include a range of training and resources for anyone bereaved or affected by suicide and for professionals supporting them and professionals who come into contact with those bereaved by suicide.
Led by Dr Sharon McDonnell – who has lived experience of suicide – the company provides resources for postvention services and educational materials. It also conducts research to advance the understanding of the experiences and perceived needs of those bereaved or affected by suicide and informs policy and practice in suicide bereavement support.
To find out more, click here.
Tags: aftercare, bereavement, event, policy, suicide, workshops