Celebrants celebrate
After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Association of Independent Celebrants (AOIC) held its 2021 event in Harrogate on October 9.
The AOIC Conference was very well attended in the historic Yorkshire town.
Guest speakers included River Jones, who spoke of delivering ceremonies to people of all faiths, Dani Wallace, a public speaking coach and motivational speaker, and award-winning celebrant, tutor and Death Cafe host Rosalie Kuyvenhoven. Philip Spicksley, the AOIC’s Chair, explained: “It has been rather a bleak couple of years but we are looking towards the future with renewed vigour. We have lots of plans for the future of the AOIC and it was exciting to be able to discuss this, and more, with our celebrant members.”
The AOIC was the only celebrant organisation to have face to face consultation talks with the CMA team and Philip said: “it is clear that our objections were addressed and acted on accordingly.”
The provisional date for the next AOIC Conference is October 2022. For more information, click here.
Tags: Association of Independent Celebrants, Celebrants, independent