Plan ‘pioneer’ retires
Colleagues and funeral directors celebrated the achievements of Linda Harvie as she steps down after 23 years of bringing Golden Charter to businesses in the north.
Regional Business Manager, Georgia Henney said: “Linda was key in the expansion of our funeral director network in the north. Her success at Golden Charter is no better articulated than by how highly everyone speaks of her. She has been an incredible asset to Golden Charter and we will miss her commitment, her style and her banter. All the best for the future, Linda.”
What the funeral directors say…
Sheila Matthew, Crosbie Matthew Funeral Directors
“Linda Harvey has been the face of Golden Charter in our company for over 20 years. Linda knew how to make work fun and we miss her already. She is a force of nature, with her stories and her Glasgow ‘banter’. We have had a lot of laughs with Linda and we could rely on her for some straight talking Golden Charter advice.
“Alan used to try to tease Linda about her hair colour (have you had your roots done?), but you could always count on Linda for a quick retort. Immaculately dressed and coiffed with nail polish and high heels, Linda would brighten up the dullest of days. Well Linda, Alan beat you to retirement by 10 days! Laurie & I will miss our wee trips to Glasgow for a treat of a day out with you. We wish you a very long, happy retirement full of family holidays, spoiling your grandchildren and fun with your many friends.”
Jim Auld, James Auld Funeral Directors
“Linda has been an absolute shining light in Golden Charter’s relationship with funeral directors across Scotland for nearly a quarter of a century. She has seen many changes in the profession, but her support to the profession and the integrity with which she has upheld her roles throughout Golden Charter will make her very difficult to replace.
“I particularly remember the weekend a good number of Scottish SAIF Funeral Directors descended on Kirkwall for the opening of the Orkney island’s first funeral home, what a laugh we had throughout the weekend. This last year when communication with many companies has been difficult, Linda was always there (even on her days off). I hope that Linda manages to take up some hobbies in her retirement, though I suspect bowls won’t be one of them due to the number of bowls tournaments she had to endure at one time in the company.”
Ian Sturrock, Sturrock Comb & Davidson
“Linda had a real understanding of us simple funeral directors, and was able to speak in plain English, always working with each funeral director, in the knowledge that we are all different, and our needs are all different. Over many years Linda has been a huge help in so many ways, always gently nudging us in the right direction.
“Linda deserves a knighthood for delivering, so eloquently, the many varied and wonderful messages from high above, and for taking in her stride the many changes of regime and personality within Golden Charter. She was a great ambassador for Golden Charter and remained loyal in the face of so many changes, staying true to her beliefs. We will miss all her glam, honesty and class, a very hard act to follow. Have a long and happy retirement. Best Wishes from all at Sturrock Comb & Davidson.”
Vicki Fraser, John Fraser & Son
“Dear Linda
“There are so many positive memories spanning over my whole working life! 18 years in the family business – and 18 years with you at the ‘Highland’ Golden Charter helm – supporting, guiding and advising us. So many successes – we have always been driven by results, you knew this and together we were a dynamic team. Awards galore!
“A wonderful mentor, a lady full of great drive, passion and fun. I am going to miss you greatly, as are the entire team at JFS. Can’t imagine the next chapter without you but all our future successes will involve a toast to Linda! Wishing you a happy, healthy, fun retirement (full of adventures and mischief!). Linda – we are going to miss you big style.
“It’s been a complete pleasure and we sincerely appreciate everything you have done to help us achieve.
“Lots of love Vicki & all the team at JFS.”
Ross Corse, John G Corse Funeral Director Ltd
“John G Corse Funeral Directors would like to wish Linda Harvie a long and happy retirement. Linda has been an excellent representative of Golden Charter and it was a pleasure to work with Linda for over 20 years. Linda always went above and beyond and was always happy, helpful and full of fun. She was not only an excellent representative but has become a dear friend to the Corse family and we hope to see her enjoying her well-deserved retirement.”
Tags: funeral directors, Golden Charter, Linda Harvie, retirement, Scotland, support