SAIF on CMA market study

Last month SAIF submitted its response to the CMA market study. Terry Tennens, Chief Executive, shares some themes and key points of SAIF’s response with members.

Funeral customisation versus one size fits all

The funeral service purchase is a unique one that differs remarkably from even a significant lifetime purchase such as a home or gift, there is huge emotion attached to the funeral event and how smoothly the process is completed can heal or harm the next of kin’s grief journey.

There is one opportunity to get the funeral service right!

The purpose of funeral directors: the twin role of caring for the deceased and for the care of the bereaved

There is a level of concern for SAIF that the market study may not appreciate the unique service at a unique time for the contracting of a funeral director by the consumer. Funeral directors offer far more than a commoditised retail service.

Online comparison requires a level of sophistication and simplification

SAIF welcomes the scrutiny of online comparison websites. We are aware of the CMA’s market study into the benefits and risks of such media in the hotel industry and we look forward to the professional insights that can be brought to bear to ensure in particular about:

  • Transparency of ownership
  • Accurate comparisons, like for like priced services. As we know that some firms offer baseline prices “from…” and end up charging far more than ever intended.
  • The CMA is concerned to elevate in the outcomes of this study, how quality might be measured? This could be a star rating system based on qualified staff, services and resources, ethical and environmental services, and access to the funeral home for the disabled and availability of viewing times.

Facts on funeral cost increases, including crematoria and cemeteries.

Funeral directors’ prices have, in the majority, risen 2016-17 on average 2.1%, and these increases are attributed to increased overheads, bad debt and decreased opportunities for investment.

Private crematoria have increased their fees on average by 5.9% in 2016-17.

Public crematoria, according to the Royal London 2017 report, increased their fees by 5.4% and burial fees for the same period at 5.3%.

Jeremy West, SAIF Past President and Fellow, said: “We now see local Council-owned crematoriums have followed with their price increases, one example being in South Essex Crematorium in Havering, where fees have risen by 22% in two years.”

Next month, SAIFInsight will cover SAIF’s response to HM Treasury’s market study on pre-paid funeral plans.

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